Comic 80
Back-up Vocal~ Four years ago, a column in Premier Guitar Magazine caught my attention. Editor John Bohlinger wrote about his beliefs regarding the proper role of bass guitar in several music genres. If memory serves, there might also have been mention of the role of bass guitars wielding 5 or more strings. As a professional touring and recording musician, who plays both guitar and bass, his experience informs his views. Two weeks after reading the article, the script for the above strip rose to the surface in my head. 4 years later, I finally got to bring it to life. I offer my eternal thanks to his Axe-ness, Lord Bohlinger. He has always been a prince of a guy to me, and his writing inspired this, the last strip in the “Zoop Magazine” story arc.
For the record, I DID NOT INVENT the 3-String Bass Guitar. Several real life companies make them. From what I have read over the years, Bass Icon, Tony Levin has several in his arsenal of gear. It felt like exactly the type of design to make the most sense to Manny. Bo? Not so much.