Back-up Vocal~ One of the trickiest elements in crafting “Mannyacs”, is knowing when to end a story arc. I try my hardest to keep a thread from dragging out too long. As I think back on it now, the story of Manny and the boys recording their first album, really only ran for about 7 comic strips. That was all it needed. This magazine story arc may be the longest one I’ve written yet. In this case, I found that I had a collection of homeless bits and pieces of dialogue and ideas, bouncing around in my head for the last several years. This “Zoop Magazine” story arc, finally allowed me to crystallize and apply them. Beloveds, let me take this moment to thank you all, for indulging me in
a tale that really took on a life of its own, and for following with me where IT wanted to go.
For the record, I ABSOLUTELY have a list of favorite guitar heroes I would love to see playing a Manifold© model. Rather than risk getting my backside thrown in a Court Room seat for naming them all here, let me just say that Manny and Bo would be in complete harmony with my choices.