Comic 47
Back-up Vocal~I graduated from Allegheny College in 1996. I returned to school, and graduated from
Pittsburgh Technical Institute, with an Associates Degree in Multimedia Design in 2003. Now, Allegheny
College is among the Top 1o Liberal Arts Colleges on the Eastern Seaboard. While I am very proud of my
time there, graduating from Pittsburgh Tech felt more personal on several levels. Because, I went there
to learn how to craft the Comic Strip you now read.
Sadly, Tech schools get a bit of a bad rap. The truth, is that some of the FINEST teachers I have EVER had
in my life, were at Pittsburgh Tech. I know how hard they work, and their devotion to their students is
completely breathtaking. So, I would GLADLY place my favorite Pittsburgh Tech teachers at the
same banquet table with my Allegheny College Professors, ANY DAY of the week! Further, that table
would NOT be complete, without Barry Linck, my GRAND cartooning teacher!
So, I offer my warped thanks to my incredible teachers. DBS 3 REPRESENT!!!