Comic 45
Back-up Vocal~ I LOVE Gipsy Kings and Los Lobos. These are two fantastic bands, who have perhaps
never really received their proper credit here in the States for their astounding musicianship. A note
here for anyone not well versed: there is a great deal more to Los Lobos than simply their work on the
“La Bamba” soundtrack. “Angel Dance” is still my favorite song from them.
Then, we have Gipsy Kings. 6 guitar players in one band, and they DON’T get in each other’s way. That’s
hard enough for most American bands to pull off with 2 guitar players, and I don’t begin to understand
how Iron Maiden does it with 3 of them. I am not fluent in Spanish at all, so I have no idea what the
Gipsy Kings are singing about in their music. For all I know, it could be suggestions on the best methods
to hike through Sweden. But the music is intensely beautiful with precision and passion to spare.
As my first editorial note in my work: to any newcomers visiting for the first time (thank you and welcome),
the “Xanadu” video tapes bit seen in Panel 1, is explained in Comic Strip #17. The running jokes abound here.