Comic 44
Back-up Vocal~ I think each of us has that one writer who will always speak to us. I have several.
But, the one who always tops the list for me is Charles De Lint. I have read each of his books
numerous times, and I find a new slice of magic and insight each time I read his work.
Having said that, several years ago, I was struck by the phenomenon behind “Zen and The Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance“, by Robert Pirsig. Just as an example, it has been referenced by tv shows
as diverse as “Northern Exposure” and “Party Down“. A few friends have raved about it over time,
and I wondered why. So, I read the book myself. I don’t claim to understand all of it. But, the essence of
a road journey to facilitate escape and broader discovery, has felt EXTREMELY appealing to me this year.
Within the context of my comic strip, it felt like the kind of book Tully would find especially enlightening,
given that his recent nervous breakdown has morphed him into a wannabe New Age diet/meditation guy.
As Graham Greene said in Thunderheart, “One of them Tofu and Pilaf characters”. So, I HAD to cite it.