Back-up Vocal~ Guitar Convention Season is a HUGE time for the industry. The month after one of the major guitar shows is also a HUGE time for people like me…who lack the disposable income to fly to one of these events. So, I rely on the Guitar magazines to show me the highlights of the festivities. Our own little drummer boy, Soxx, is the most qualified to supply the “bullet points” rundown of the Splendorland University Guitar Show. Primarily because he elected himself to do it. What’s more, the “Zoop Mag” dudes have pages to fill, so they’re more than happy to let him provide the content they need. Leaves more time for arm wrestling kangaroos. Or, whatever it is they do in Sydney.

Of course, the truly noteworthy pictures from our boy, would be the ones that have nothing at all to do with musical instruments. Rather, it’s capturing the moments of magnificent chaos that follow the DBS 3 family everywhere they go. Soxx is delirious with joy to offer the world a gander at all the mayhem. If, by some freak flash of generosity from the cosmos, we get some photos of actual guitars from the proceedings? Well…I suppose that’s crispy lettuce, too.