Comic 147
Back-up Vocal~ I recently read an interview with Paul Gilbert in Vintage Guitar Magazine. For the uninitiated, Gilbert has garnered a sizable repuation as the guitar player for respected bands like
Racer X and Mr. Big. He also has a thriving solo career. His name is synonymous with Ibanez Guitars as one of their first and longest running endorsees. The article cast a spotlight on an Ibanez Paul Gilbert model the company made as an exclusive release for his fanbase in Japan.
That got the wheels turning. If Mr. Gilbert can offer an exclusive guitar model to a country where he has a ravenous following, Manny can UNLEASH an exclusive Manifold© guitar model on a country where he has NO following. AT ALL.
Finally, there’s a “Wiseguy” Shout-Out nestled all super snuggly in this one. But, rather than simply point it out, I’ve opted instead to let y’all find it yourselves.