Comic 116
Back-up Vocal~ In past advertisement segments, I’ve covered the obvious ground, such as guitars, cables and amps. The tricky part of this new series of ads, has been exploring real life gear that nobody would have to question, or need hardcore technical knowledge to accept. Especially if they’re like me, and not musicians themselves. Over the years, several friends have garnered some considerable misconceptions about my true grasp of musical instruments and components. Honestly, most of my gear knowledge is rudimentary at best. I understand guitars. Get me around amps and beyond and I am completely lost. So, the gizmos to get the spotlight here had to make sense to me, too. Most important, they had to lend themselves to humor to one degree or another.
Finally, a Bo Truwavus solo CD? Stu Hamm, Billy Sheehan, Dave LaRue, John Entwistle,
Chris Squire (God rest his soul), Bootsy Collins, Geddy Lee and John Wetton. All incredible Bass players with solo albums. It can be done. That’s all I’m saying.