Comic 109
Back-up Vocal~ I must admit, I have drawn a blank in my search for something witty and clever to say about this one. I also reached for a smidgen of some philosophical comment to offer, and I got nuthin’. So, to preserve the grand fresco of Mannyacs lore, it may be best for all parties concerned if we just let this one do what it do.
One thought I will offer: between myself and all 5 of my guys, there does seem to be something of an unhealthy obsession with “Freejack 2”. Mental Health Professionals may attempt to glean some deeper crumbs of Freudian symbolism underneath my frequent references to this imaginary film. While there are NO such scraps to be had, I welcome them to analyze to their hearts content.
The nightmares are on the house.
Finally, if you know any Apple Cinnamon Flake Waffle recipes, please feel free to send them along.