Comic 100
Back-up Vocal~ It is with a considerable amount of both pride and astonishment, that I find we have reached Mannyacs #100. Join me as we celebrate The MANNY-VERSARY!
This is truly a milestone strip, and the list of people deserving of my thanks for their support is far too long for the brief amount of space I have here. Further, there are several who would rather not see their names in a forum that may be viewed by an untold number of strangers. So, with respect to their privacy, I will simply say that they know who they are. On the broader landscape, I wish to offer my sincere thanks to ALL OF YOU, my lovely Mannyacs, for being part of this journey. Whether you have been with us since the beginning, or have jumped on for the ride more recently, I truly hope you feel welcome. More adventures await as my boys continue to tell me what they want to do next. Love to you all and stay tooned! DBS 3 REPRESENT!!!!!